

Produkta dzīves cikla analīzē nozīmīga loma ir dažādu sociālo indikatoru izvērtējumam.

Aicinu iepazīties ar identificētiem 28 rīkiem, kā sociālā ietekme var tikt analizēta un izvērtēta: http://prezi.com/dm_pqpygqsjw/understanding-of-social-impact-across-the-product-life-cycle/

Social indicators have an important role in product life cycle analysis.

Your are welcome to learn about at least 28 tools to measure, evaluate and analyze social impact during product life cycle: http://prezi.com/dm_pqpygqsjw/understanding-of-social-impact-across-the-product-life-cycle/

Posted by

Markuss Ozols

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